26 December 2005

Reclaiming time and space

We're having a rather rainy post-Christmas. The snow from two weeks ago is finally being washed away, taking with it the piss-poor job we did in shovelling after the freak snowfall that left everything over a sheet of ice. Needless to say, next time we won't be so lazy about it and let everything freeze. As soon as we get home, out come the snow shovels.

We'd planned on today being a fairly lazy day around the house. Neither of us are gung-ho discount shopper fanatics. Would I mind picking up cheap holiday lights for next year? Nope... but I sure as hell don't want to deal with the hordes of other people out there.

Despite that, we did venture out to Sears briefly. Erich's car has been sitting silent in the driveway since Thanksgiving due to a dead battery, and the weekends were simply too busy to go out and get one. While the automotive section of Sears was fairly busy, it was mostly people taking advantage of the day off to get their oil changed. We got in and out of there fairly quickly.

It's quarter to three. We've done all of our errands. The rest of the day will really be a combination of laundry, kitchen reclaiming after celebrating yesterday, and personal things before the Pats game tonight. Erich's geeking out a bit on World of Warcraft. I'm going to be focusing on finishing up some penpalling swaps that are long overdue that I just haven't had the time or money to get done.

Other than an occasional swap to help cover something on my own lists, I will be quitting for a good portion of 2006. I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of dealing with a good portion of the people who swap via yahoogroups. I suppose it's because I've always been much more laid-back about things since I work full-time and respect those who also do, or who are running a household. But the longer I swap there, the more I see people who seem to have nothing else in their lives except swapping. The more I deal with them, the less interested I am in actually making an effort to swap. So I'm hoping to just get it out the door and focus on stitching-- I get much more enjoyment out if it, anyway.

It's interesting how interests can change. It really is. I never thought I'd be sick of swapping.

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