09 December 2005

And the world crashes to a halt

Newsflash to New Englanders: You live in a place with snow in the winter. We go through this routine every year. It's not the end of the world when it snows. School doesn't need to be cancelled with three effing inches of snow on the ground, even if the white stuff is coming down.

Drive a little slower, especially when making turns. Use that strange stick off of your steering wheel that creates that clicking noise and the yellow lights... BEFORE you actually start to change lanes ('cause it really doesn't do much good if you're already halfway into mine before you put it on-- I got that you're shoving over at that point, thanks).

And for the love of all that is good and holy, put your damn headlights on. I realize it's a bit much to ask you to brush a couple inches of wet, fresh snow off of your windshields-- because that is simply far too logical.

But dude, seriously. Lights.

And not just the fucking runners. The big white -- or those eye-blinding blue, if you insist - orbs in the front.



My office is fairly abandoned today. I think that most of the schools have closed, so today's attendance is revealing the childless among us. The snow's coming down at a good clip in big gobs of white. It's sloppy. It's wet. It's everything that a pre-Christmas snowstorm should be. Although I have to say, it's actually not too bad right now in Boston. The wind hasn't kicked up yet, so you can walk fairly easily across Back Bay.

I don't expect to be able to repeat this feat this evening, when the wind tunnel effect kicks in and blows people down the slushy sidewalks into the alleys near Back Bay Station. I'm seriously debating altering my route to meet Erich at South Station and hop the #10 bus to Southie 'cause I can pick that up right across the street, rather than walk several blocks.

I'm just hoping that the reports I saw last night don't come true. If it's going to snow, stay as snow. I'd rather be able to at least enjoy the pretty whiteness tomorrow morning as I have coffee next to the Christmas tree, rather than deal with a mess of rainy and icy slush. Pretty please?

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