22 December 2005

No apologies given

First... watch this. Make sure you give it time to load properly so it doesn't lag. And have headphones.

Yesterday was one of my worst days of work here. I went home fuming, came back to work today in a slightly better mood, but I'm pissed off at some of my co-workers regarding yesterday. Thus begins my vent--

As an admin. assistant, I'm fully conscious that shit rolls down hill. I happen to be at the bottom of the pile, so therefore the shit usually winds up here at some point, and once it's here, it simply doesn't go further unless I manage to find the exit pipe. Traditionally, said exit pipe is generally labeled as "Mel knows her shit, and this ain't it."

I've been at my job for five and a half years now. I know my position. I know who to ask and who to contact to solve problems. I realize they come up, and that often times, I'm going to be the person pushed to deal with them because of my position. What I don't get is when I solve the issue, how lately it seems to be Still My Fault, despite all of the evidence proving to the contrary.

The biggest problem I've had in the last few months is our accounts payable department. To fall into geek speak for a second-- said department has taken on the form of a sphere of annihilation. Anything that touches it? Disappears. Gone. Who the hell knows where. I ask if they receive something, they say "never got it."

I solved that little tidbit by avoiding our interoffice mail pouch, and going straight to trackable UPS envelopes. Oh really? You didn't get it? How funny. UPS tracking #XYZ1230000X said you did, and that So-and-So signed for it at this time on this date in your mail room. And here's the scan of the signature. Yes, that's right-- THAT invoice. I thought you had it.

You'd think that would solve it with my managers, right? But no... clearly UPS is making stuff up, and I'm not doing my job and sending things to accounts payable to get paid.

Why the eff would I do that? Really-- would I seriously want to bring this bullshit on myself every day?

Yesterday was Another One of Those. Despite the fact that I'm in my final day of hell trying to get invoices out the door to accounts payable to meet their Dec. 23rd receipt deadline, I get dragged AWAY from all of my cross-checking to deal with two invoices. Neither is more than two weeks old, and no one will listen to me when I give them the date I sent it, and the tracking number. Nor will they listen to me when they hear that yes, AP does have the invoice. It's entered in the system and is scheduled for the next check run this Friday.

No-- the fact is that since vendor XYZ hasn't been paid, clearly I haven't done my job and it's still somehow sitting on my desk undone.

All I do is continue to explain the facts. I forward the emails confirming the information from accounts payable. But it's simply never good enough.

By two, I was so frazzled that I was on the verge of tears. And then my manager has the nerve to say, "Melissa, don't take this personally... it's just business."

Like HELL it's just business-- you're questioning my integrity to do my job. You're accusing me personally of not doing my job, despite my proving the contrary. Don't give me that shit.

At the end of the day, I managed to rush the payment, have the vendor thankful and cool with me-- but my coworkers in my department? Nothing. It's as if the blow-up and accusations never happened. Everything's right with the world and with me-- until the next time there's an issue.

And then again, I'll suddenly be completely incompetent in my job.


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