20 January 2005

Not a single word

In his inaugural speech, President Bush didn't say a SINGLE WORD about Iraq.

Not. One. Word.

Disgraceful, isn't it? Over a thousand citizens killed. Several thousand wounded. A nation is in complete crisis, and it's worsening each day.

Afghanistan's long past-- it doesn't matter any more, despite the fact that Bin Laden is still at large. Iraq is now becoming history, now that the ruse has been blown. Bush needs a new place to conquer, lest those of us who see reality become louder than his supportrs.

How interesting that within days of the cancellation of the search for WMD's, a new target... Iran (who has a strong military, FYI)... was announced.

One country after another. Bush will keep invading nations, claiming it's out of the quest to rid the world of tyrany (he apparently hasn't looked at his own administration recently) and to bring democracy to the world (while he rids his homeland of it, of course).

It's worked twice-- the majority of the American public has gone along with it. Third time's a charm? Does it really matter, now that he doesn't have to worry about re-election?


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