05 January 2005

He's so cute!

Heh. I got to do that cheesy, endearing girlfriend thing today-- help Erich shave. :)

Erich forgot his electric razor at my mom's over the holidays. Despite her promises to send it "right up," she hasn't done it. It's in her car. So over the last five day weekend, Erich's gone without shaving at all and was getting a bit... scraggly.

Today he returned to work and needed to look a bit more presentable. I told him to just use a regular razor. He literally looked at me confused and said "I've never used one."

This stunned me. I mean, I've never used an electric razor. I figured that guys kinda moved up to that after getting sick of using a basic one. But I assumed that all guys at least learned how to shave using the basic ol' Gillette blade.

Not my guy. Apparently he started off on an electric, and that's all he's used.

But Erich did need to get a bit cleaned up this morning, so hand-held razor it would be. And the only one in the house? My trusty pink Venus razor, complete with women's pear-scented Skintimate shaving gel.


On top of that, I'd never had to teach someone else to shave, or had to help them out for some broken arm or whatever... so I was a bit nervous to help him. I showed him very quickly how to move it (using his extended sideburns as the example... given that it was the flattest part of his face) and passed it off to him.

He actually did a damn good job-- and managed to maintain the shape of his mustache and goatee well in the process.

I'm jealous. His skin's softer than mine when he shaves. How the hell did that happen?


Apparently I'm an idiot when typing web pages, by the way. Web page from last entry is here. I put a period instead of a backslash.

Moo. Moo moo.

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