15 January 2005

It's too early to be up...

considering I didn't get to sleep until 3 a.m.-ish. But sometime before dawn, we had to put Gus in kitty!jail for being obnoxious and I always get paranoid about him being locked in the bathroom for more than a coule hours so we can sleep. It guarantees that I'll wake up constantly.

*sigh* So here I am on six hours of sleep. We're having a really long gaming session today for Erich's game. I'm going to die.

Actually, my plan is to crawl back into bed for an hour once Erich's up. We need someone up and out here in the living room when Gus is in this mood, just for damage control. We actually have a stash of new furry rattle mice stored in the food pantry just to toss out in case we need to divert his attention. Isn't that sad? It is a mark of official Crazy Cat People status-- moreso than the Crazy Cat Lady Action Figure that Minarae got me for Yule.

Gus' drug addiction of choice is rattley mice. It's crack cocaine for the furball formally now named Augustus Mousedeath. Guaranteed to work every single time. And we stock up. Seriously-- if anyone ever wonders what to get me? Furry rattley mice for cats. We always need a larger supply.

Of course, the side effects include fishing soaking wet rattley mice out of the water dish, because Gus insists of putting them there after use for safe keeping. It also means playing Fetch if he happens to bring it up onto the bed. If you ignore the cat's desire for Fetch, he will begin to go back to his pre-mouse antics and attempt to Knock Shit Over (tm).


I'm up way too early for this.



In other news... the plan to retire at the age of 30 went unsuccessfully at Foxwoods last night. I brought $400 to play. $100 stayed in my wallet the entire night. Of the $300 I did spend at Let It Ride, I managed to walk away from the table with roughly $160. So not horrible. A later-evening gut straight (that I really had no business riding on, but did anyway-- and lucked out) saved me from being completely wiped out.

When we first got there around 3:30 or 4, the tables were packed. They had a $5 Let It Ride table that Erich and some of the guys got on over time, but I wanted to play rather than just stand around and wait... so Robin and I went over to one of the other casinos where the nickel slots were. As soon as we entered, we started joking about how the nickel slot casino even had a different smell (distinctly of garlic sausage, in my opinion). This was the Old Person Casino. The bus terminal was off once side. Directly across from the bus terminal was the Huge Ass Bingo Hall, which resembled a prison mess hall. Thirteen bucks to go play bingo.

I think I'll pass.

But damn, that thing was fucking PACKED. And there was a LOT of white and grey hair in there. They'd jump me in there, you know. I know they would. Bingo players can be fucking MEAN.

We played some of the video nickel slots. For a bit I was up a lot, but the games weren't normal slot machines, so I was confused at what the point of the games were. Not that it mattered, because you really don't play slot machines. You just spin them and hope you win whatever you're supposed to win. But alas, no. After a while I blew through the money I spent on them.

Ah well, no early retirement for me. Not yet, anyway. :)

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