20 December 2006

Aaaaaaand... the pace picks up

It's been a very, VERY busy couple of days at work. I'm thankful I started during a slow couple of weeks, otherwise I would have gone insane yesterday and today. The admin department has had more individual projects brought our way in the past two days than in the past week and a half combined.

If I hadn't had the time to learn how to format the different styles of documents at a more relaxed pace, I would have really been freaking out today. Gah.

But all is well, and I continue to do very well here. I've been getting a lot of compliments about my work and my attitude, which is great to hear. I already feel like I've been here forever, and it's only actually been less than a month.

Tomorrow's the office party at a nearby pub. Then I have Friday off as part of my holiday weekend, in which I'll celebrate Yule and get the rest of my Christmas shopping done (whee... Multi-Holiday-Tasking!) It should be a fun, relaxing holiday weekend. Our friend Matt confirmed that he'll be coming down on Sunday to spend the two days. Erich's dad will also be coming down, but I don't know his schedule.

Perhaps tonight I'll be able to write the two entries I've actually been working on (as opposed to free-versing). It would be nice to use them to catch up on my Holidailies count. :)

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