14 June 2006

Traveling journals

Some of my long time blogging friends may remember (or have been a part of) my little addiction to traveling journals a few years back. It started with 1000 Journals, in which I was fortunate enough to contribute to two journals (both now apparently lost).

After that, I spent a very successful couple of years hosting an ongoing project called "Glimpse of Time" on Nervousness before it was overrun by irresponsible people and snobs who defined art- for the site- in a very narrow way. During the first incarnation there, I had fourteen very successful journals, all of which returned. When I sent them back out in the "improved" nervousness (supposedly under tighter controls about who was allowed to become a member), I lost all fourteen in the ether.

Tonight, after registering my recent cards received via Postcrossing (like Bookcrossing, but with postcards), I decided to pop over and see what was happening over on 1000 Journals.

And he's created a new project= 1001 Journals. Which are started by the participants. :) I still have some blank books lying around from the Glimpse of Time project, so what the hell-- they might as well be released into the world to see what happens. AND best of all-- It's Brand New. I created a journal today, and it's only #17 (1017, to be exact).

I'd REALLY like to start a couple with people who I know casually through this fun little blogging community. A cross-stitcher's book? Maybe just a blogger's book?

If you're interested, please join the site (it's free). Then leave me a comment here with your screenname over there. And I'll send you an invite on a book. :)

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