15 June 2006

3x Thursday

So here's the deal... I'm making a conscious effort to write every day. I used to, a few years ago. Now I've gotten lazy. So if it takes memes to get me back on track, dammit... I will get back on track.

I have the Stitcher's Blogging Question on Wednesdays, so Thursdays shall be 3xThursdays:

1. What are the top 3 things in your life that are most important to you? Not necessarily things..

1) Erich
2) My lifestyle
3) Having money to support myself

2. Do you take steps to facilitate the importance of those things? How so/how not so?

Most definitely-- Erich is most important. I make sure to say "I love you" at least once-- and normally several times a day. I cherish my relationship with him, always seeking to improve it, deepen it, and sustain it.

Money sadly makes the world go round. But I also can appreciate, having grown up very comfortably with money, that it isn't everything. As long as I can sustain the lifestyle I want, I'm happy. Having the freedom to live life the way I want, with the people I want, is happiness.

3. Would you ever think about changing the way you do things (priorities) so that you can pay more attention to the things that matter the most?

Absolutely. In fact, work-related changes are being discussed these days, for both Erich and me.

Bonus Question for Comments: What do you think of people who put their wants and needs at the back of the line? Do you think it's wise to do such a thing?

I think it depends on the situatio- what the balance of needs and wants are. Sometimes the list of needs for survival are so pressing that the wants absolutely have to fall by the wayside. It's also important to over-indulge on the wants from time to time to keep life balanced.

~ Mel.

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