23 May 2005

A quick note...

I'm "sticky"-ing this post due to circumstances going on, since many of my real-time friends read my journal...

Please don't be concerned if I don't get back to your email for a bit... I haven't had a chance to sit down and read my personal email in about 10 days now, and don't know when I'll be able to get around to it. I'm hoping that maybe this weekend I can get some of it done. If I can do some earlier, I will. The alternate (for those who know it) is my work email-- feel free to use it as you see fit, and I can guarantee I'll get back to you faster.

The office move is now only two weeks away, and I'm going insane with that. (not to mention problems in my everyday work that need fixing, and so stress my time even more).

The house move is also starting to pick up a bit-- we're beginning to box things up to move the first batch down in a couple weekends. We'll be getting the keys to the house next Tuesday, the 31st. After changing the locks, we'll start the preliminary renovations (wiring and floors) and will start getting some boxes down there. Our estimated time to be in the house is still up in the air, depending on the results of Erich's meeting with the flooring guys this morning. By the end of June is definite... the rest, I'm not sure.

Anyone who can come to Providence in June to supply drinky things, drugs, or other things to relax me.... feel free. I'm gonna need them.

(remind me why I'm doing all of this at once again? Is it a quest to be in pain?)

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