17 May 2005

I know I've been quiet

I'm okay-- just going through bouts of insanity and then resulting apathy toward anything. Meh.

I mentioned my exhaustion to Erich last night, and he agreed that it's just been such a wild couple months that it's catching up to both of us. I've noticed myself being a lot more testy lately with everyone. A lot of it is because I'm on an autopilot schedule whenever I can take advantage of a mental break, and woe to anyone who decides to interrupt that routine.

I don't mean to, though. *sigh*

I forsee a couple days of solid sleeping/lounging once we're at the house next month.


So very strange. It's such a different preparation than an apartment move. And contrary to my mom's belief that I hate change, I really don't feel it this time. I feel excitement. I'm a bit afraid about the enormous responsibility, but it's far overpowered by the desire to get in there and make the next step forward in my life.

On completely unrelated house stuff- Erich found out from Anna (who sold us the house) that we have a mated pair of cardinals living in the yard. So a bird feeder and bird seed are now added to this summer's list of stuff to buy at the gardening shop. We went by Home Depot on Sunday, after helping get my old bed over to her new space in an off-campus apartment. That was a win-win situation-- she needed a bed. We needed to figure out where the hell we were going to store it, since Jason hadn't taken it with him.

One big thing done. :) Everything else in storage can be taken down via Jeep and car to the house and put in the basement (and cut back our movers fees).

Anyway... back to Home Depot. I wanted to go there to price vanity tops and sinks, since we're going to have to replace the bathroom sink fairly quickly. The bowl is cracked and just starting to leak. Might as well take care of that right away and get it over with as one of our personal projects. We found a few styles that were very nice, just to give us ideas. We looked around for replacement doors for the garage, but missed the weather-protected doors that weren't designed for front door use... so we still need to find that.

And before we left, we took a walk through the garden section, just to see what was there. Lots of little trees that were relatively inexpensive. Both of us loved the Japanese Maples-- they had different varieties with green and red leaves. I priced some lilacs, since getting some pretty bushes to hide our neighbor's chain link fence is one of my top yard-related priorities. We relaxed for a while on a covered garden swing (which I have to admit is very tempting...). And we got some ideas. The yard, granted, isn't really on the top of the list. Other than reseeding the grass and perhaps starting said lilacs along the back, I don't see us doing a lot with the yard this first year. We need to see what's growing in the yard, first.

Like, for example, the large patch of Lily of the Valley that's along the front and Florida room wall. I definitely don't want to tear those up, and my mom was thrilled when she saw those, given that it's her birth flower.

So much to do... so many new daydreams to indulge in...

I'm loving this. I really am. :)

So after Home Depot, we headed home. I saw a large white swan in the lake next to the Home Depot, surrounded by a cluster of Canadian Geese. They were fairly far off from my sight, though, so I don't know if it's the male or female. I'm scared shitless of swans, having some bad encounters with them at my mom's in California, so I'd be keeping my distance anyway. On the way home, we saw a mated pair of Canadian Geese (they're everywhere) with six little goslings waddling behind. Hopefully they'll survive, however-- the parents picked a hell of a shitty spot to nest-- in the grassy ring in the center of the highway cloverleaf. Erich nearly hit them as they were trying to cross the highway on-ramp to another unpaved section that contained a runoff-formed pond.

Off to another crazy day at the other place I'm moving. Hopefully I can get my normal work under control so I can focus on purging paper for the rest of the week here at the office...

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