21 April 2005

Yet another sign that we were separated five months apart at birth

It was actually hot outside yesterday-- mid to upper 80's (depending on where you were), and none too comfy in the non-A/C'ed Jeep on the way home. Still, I enjoyed it. Spring exploded by yesterday evening-- all of those trees that were just on the verge of popping leaves now have. Which was good, because driving to work yesterday as the thermometer in my Jeep read "75" but seeing almost completely bare trees was a bit weird. It was weirder around lunch when it was 85 degrees as I hurried back down the Pike from the mall.

It should never be 85 degrees with bare trees. It makes the region look like it was in a forest fire.

Still, it was a nice little hint of summer. Around 10 p.m. last night a cold front literally blew in, dropping the temperature outside down around fifteen degrees in the course of about twenty minutes. It was chilly outside this morning, but everything's relative-- four days ago, mid 50's would have felt quite nice. After yesterday, it's frigid.


My allergies are reminding me of yesterday, too. All morning I've been sniffly and dealing with some weather-induced hives. My antihistamines aren't kicking in quite right. I'm hoping that with some regular meds intake, it'll balance out.

Since it was so warm yesterday, the interest in working past around 4 p.m. waned quickly, and I began surfing the web to look at wedding dresses for the hell of it. I fell in love with a dress I saw and wanted to think about it for a few minutes. So I took a walk to the pop machine. And as I was walking back, I had this nagging urge that I'd seen the dress before, and that something was wrong.


I finally realized why, and wanted to confirm my suspicions with a certain other blogger (*cough* WestCoastMel *cough*) who shares my webspace, who's getting married a month before me.

Really now, what's the chance of it? With all of the choices of wedding dresses out there? Okay, even technically in the plus-size wedding dress department (which I guarantee to all of the skinny girls is MUCH more limited than yours).

So no... can't use that one. In my opinion, that falls along the same code of conduct rules as "don't date the ex of your best friend."

More looking will comence. I have some ideas. Nothing has called out to me as THE ONE, though. Which is probably a good thing. I can keep looking. Right now I'm thinking along the lines of (to any women for whom this makes sense)... an a-line dress (modified or traditional a-line). Sweetheart cut neckline (I have the boobs to pull it off). Some sort of sleeve-- because I do have heavy upper arms. I don't need a long train, but wouldn't object to one for the ceremony and pictures, provided that it can be either detached or bundled somehow in the dress.

And I'm leaning ivory over white.

Oh-- and for family tradition, I do want to do a mantilla veil. My mother was married in one. I'm hoping, actually, that hers is still around and intact-- because it would also fit the "something borrowed" idea. Plus really, it's the only thing I could borrow from my mom, who weighed a whopping 95 pounds when she was married. (no, really-- and it's disturbing that I'm not too shy of three times my mom's weight at that point).

Thus ends my wedding dress thoughts of the day.

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