02 April 2005

Quiet thoughts

Odpoczywajà w pokoju, Karol Jozef Wojtyla. Wy jestescie dom z Bogiem.

Although not Catholic myself, as a Polish American with many devout family members, I still am quiet and reflective at the passing of John Paul II. I didn't agree with many of his stances on political issues in more recent years. His attempts (both successful and non) to fight against the Soviet restriction of faith, attempting to reconcile with the Orthodox church, and quiet tempers during the latter years of the Cold War. But he touched so many lives and made an effort to inspire so many people around the world, more often for good than bad, that I admire him greatly. He lived his faith. He stood by the tenets of his faith. He showed that it was possible to be dignified while suffering deteriorating illness. And at the end, he accepted that it was his time.

To my friends who are Catholic, my prayers are with you and your faith community this evening.

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