04 April 2005

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It's going to be a busy week... I need to keep myself organized. Lots of little things. Very few will take more than an hour (if that) to get done, but there are so many that I need to do, that I need to make a list.

At Home

- birthday card and letter to Grandma

- All laundry (house and personal) IN PROGRESS

- Dry cleaning dropped off

- Make sure all bills are paid

- Erich payment

- Drop off rent check

- Minarae's online project

- Swap partners for online lists IN PROGRESS

- Update my swapping sheet

- Swaps out

- Text flow new layout for measi (dot) net

- Research Moveable Type

- BJ's/Costco run (renew cards?)

- Sort and shred old bills on Saturday

- TBS meeting on Sunday (remember to bring camera)

- Burn SSX 3 compiled music CD for Jason, self, and anyone else interested

- Get stitch supplies for Dragon Dreams projects

- Update photos of Castle and Egyptian Sampler

- Email John re: question

- Email Makaea re: TNX

At Work

- Get 29th off for house closing

- Design Conference Room book donations IN PROGRESS

- Bookshelves in hallway donations IN PROGRESS

- Two design move meetings (Mon. and Tues).

- Mail Book show stuff to NJ office

- contracts

- accounts payable

- email John again re: old contract copies at his apartment

- update phone list

- toss old timesheets

- quarterly budget cleanout

Yay busy-ness! I see a frozen 'rita calling my name come Saturday if I can pull all of this off...

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