10 February 2005

Weather reports, Superbowl ramblings and goofy cats...

I hate stomach bugs... but amusing things happen in houses during the daytime work hours. Especially on the Weather Channel, apparently:

Falling sharply? Sweet jeebus, it's the end of the world. Apparently the Powers That Be finally realized the Red Sox won the World Series-- They're coming to collect now and freeze us over.

The Superbowl victory added the icing to the cake, you know.


I haven't mentioned the Superbowl this year. I'm very happy the Pats won. I enjoyed the game-- it was very sloppy. But until the Eagles time mismanagement at the end of the game, it was ANYONE's game. Can't complain-- at least it wasn't a blowout.

Honestly, although I favor the Pats because I live here - the whole rooting for the home team thing -- I was going to be happy either way. I grew up as an Eagles fan. My dad's from Reading, PA. My mom's from Easton, PA. I watched my father scream at the TV growing up every year. Apparently my dad can be heard 2,000 miles away on the sidelines -- or so he thinks, anyway. I watched year after year as he began growling and grumbling about halfway through the season, vowing that THIS year was his last year rooting for his team. That dammit, he was going to root for the Vikings (proximity thing). This never happens, of course, and every year he sits down on Sundays, watching the torture.

I received engagement cards from family last week that had "The Pats are going down!" in the cards.

And yes, they will be added to the wedding scrapbook. :) Pats threats and all.

Needless to say, I'm keeping distance from all of my family this week. I know better than to walk into that lion's den post-season anyway. The fact that this year the Eagles GOT to the Superbowl... and lost? Thanks but no thanks. I'll let them mourn in silence.


Meanwhile, since I was ill yesterday, I spent a lot of time on the couch working on my current stitching rotation. And as always, I have company while sitting on the couch. About mid-afternoon is one of the long napping periods for the three owners of the apartment. They decided to hang out next to me most of the day, confused at why a human was interrupting their normal sleeping cycles of the day.

Fizzy was fascinated by the cat that I was stitching, and informed me that she wanted to help:

Gus had taken over Fizzy's winter hibernation spot (the bed under the lamp), which he's entirely too large for these days, and was WATCHING her very closely. He wanted to pounce her, but was just too tired to move:

And Colley, being Colley, brought Cat Slutness to a new level yesterday. By evening, he just couldn't stand it and did ANYTHING that he could to get attention, including scrunching himself into frightening positions, desperate to get tummy rubs:

How I managed to avoid most of the cat fur while stitching, I have no clue. Although I was stitching a Himalayin cat on the stocking-- so added fur would probably just become part of the design...


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