24 February 2005

Goals to be done before end of spring...

It's the "I want it to be spring because I'm sick of the snow so I'm making a spring cleaning list in an attempt to will Mother Nature to listen to me" list.

Mew. It's a lot, but I want to get stuff down so I'm productive at home

- Djadju's 80th birthday party in Pennsylvania
- Get adoption records to back up birth certificate, per passport agency requirement
- Complete passport application
- Finalize dates for Germany/Poland trip with Mom for summer, if it's going to happen
- Easter and/or Mother's Day in Maine
- Dinner at some point with Erich's dad

- Taxes
- Make new update check on all bills
- New bank account

- get brakes checked
- oil change @ 165,000 miles
- service around 165,000 miles needed (?)

- Fizzy needs appointment for Rabies shot & Distemper shots by mid-March
- Colley tooth cleaning (arrange for summer?)
- Check litter box condition and replace if necessary
- Go through and chuck dead cat toys

Wedding Schtuff
- Write other relatives to spread news
- Thank you cards for engagement money
- Talk with mom on a date and location
- Set a date
- After setting date, send save-the-date announcements
- Start making notes on ideas

- mine
- house
- drycleaning

Computer- Related
- Clean out laptop and get rid of dead files
- Weed out email folders
- Clean out desktop computer

- new iron
- humidifier

- check iPod prices
- auction feedback on ebay and yahoo

House Maintenance
- New shower curtain
- Scrub down bathroom
- Clean out hall closet
- Clean out family room closet
- Organize bathroom and kitchen sink cabinets
- Bedroom closet weed-out & clothes donation
- Organize bookshelves and ritual cabinet in bedroom
- Sort through old bills, shred anything from Blackwood Street apartment (or *groan* older)

- catch up on swaps
- and letters.
- and excess out-the-door swaps
- and clean out all bins & reorganize
- partner current swaps open for signups (needs to be done 3/2/05)

RPG Work
- update notebook and mapbook for World's Largest Dungeon game
- organize character binder
- If we're not using them and don't need them, 3.0 small books (Masters of the Wild, etc) on ebay?

- 10 hours of backstitching on The Castle (hopefully complete top half's backstitching)
- Egyptian Sampler restart-- complete Osiris and Done-to-Date on Horus
- New progress photos of The Castle, Egyptian Sampler, and Stocking
- 5 hours on Smoky Mountain Cats (and photo)
- Formulate more practical rotation for next round

Sorority Stuff
- meeting Sunday 2/27 @ 6 p.m.
- update website info... connect bigs and littles on class pages
- upload photos from autumn 2004 into new photo albums
- Districts? Yes? No? Figure out finances and decide if going

- Find standard layout for all pages
- Change layout on blog
- Update stitching photos & links
- Update fanfic pages
- Update Pagan pages
- Transfer non-measi.dx pages over to website for archiving

- Organize all pages that have been stuffed into Book of Shadows
- Go through Computer CD's and put in binders. Make record of all important codes & chuck old cases
- Organize kitchen cabinets
- Bookshelves in computer room once Jay finds an apartment
- Reorganize computer room once Jay finds an apartment

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