04 February 2005

Stitching update (Scanning helps!)

It really helps to see what I actually HAVE gotten accomplished in a month. Yay me!

I've been working exclusively on Teresa Wentzler's The Castle for all of January. This weekend, I'm going to be participating in a Stitch-A-Long (SAL) with others working on the same project. And then I'll move to the next project (the cat stocking) in my rotation for a minimum of 10 hours, or (if I feel I'm in a groove) longer.

But prior to the SAL, I wanted to scan in my update. Here's what's changed in the last month...

January 7th, '05...

February 4th, '05...

My goals for this weekend are...

1) get the ears and neck done
2) Fill in the trees missing on the top half and backstitch all trees
3) Complete the top green section of the right wing
4) Work as much of the rest of the right wing as I can.

Not too bad, eh? I'd guess I've put in about 20 hours or so this month on my little guy... give or take a few. I spent a LOT of time backstitching the castle. Before I go to the bottom half of the pattern, I will backstitch the top half. Otherwise I'll go insane at the end.

So... anyone have a suggestion for a dragon name? It seems that a lot of people who stitch this pattern name their dragons since they spend so much time on them. I'm open for suggestions...

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