24 October 2007

Happy Meme

I've been tagged by a few people, so yeah... jumping on the bandwagon...

Ten things which have made me happy recently...

1. Boston sports - it doesn't get any better than this. Red Sox? Patriots? Well, okay... Boston University could have a good year in hockey. But seriously, doesn't get much better. :)

2. Erich surprising me with absolute adoration yesterday for the marking of one month of marriage. He made coffee, had flowers sent to work, and made me dinner. All with the joke of "congrats - we've succeeded longer than 95% of celebrity marriages already!" Heh. :)

3. My mom finally went through with her hysterectomy surgery that's been overdue for 15+ years, and is recovering wonderfully. She's home, and only three days out, she was able to get up and down the stairs on her own, and isn't in much pain (just feels pressure from stitches). It's a relief to me, because she really needed to have this done when I was in high school.

4. Sisterhood - between silly, getting absolutely soaked in a downpour memories built while hosting a concert reception on Friday to seeing a potential new class of Tau Beta Sigma sisters come to the Tea on Sunday? Makes this old lady sister quite proud. :)

5. It's autumn, and the leaves are now officially in full color in our area of Rhode Island. They look amazing.

6. The completely unseasonable 80 degree, low-humidity, sunny weather we've had the last few days. Absolutely phenominal.

7. Getting a kick-ass first formal review at work. :) It's wonderful to be appreciated for doing my job.

8. Waking up yesterday morning curled around Noby. Usually Noby just tries to nibble my fingers in the morning because he wants to play, but when he's snuggly, Noby really is the coziest cat to doze with. He's a little love bug.

9. One week until Halloween! :)

10. I am about 75% done with one fanfic draft, and have a rough idea of the other fic that I'll be churning out this weekend. And then I'll be caught up!

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