22 October 2007

Freaking at the date

So... I've been bringing my laptop with me to and from work for the better part of two weeks to get my fanfic challenges written?

Yeah. THAT's going well. I have maybe 6 paragraphs written on ONE. *sigh* The one that I've already decided to merge two fanfic challenges into one piece, since Anywhere but Cardiff via time_and_chips is slightly more open to interpretation.I'm already wicked late on it - better to combine it with this new project for time_x_space because hell, it can work. And then I have two projects done.

Then I need to figure out my courage for Nine/Jack smut for dwliterotica. I got a great prompt and should have some fun with it (it may require me to get a tad inebriated to loosen up to write, though). But this other project is just overwhelming me. I need to get it off my plate and over to a beta.

Hoped I'd get some writing done this weekend, but the toilet repair fiasco kinda threw that out the window. Between Tau Beta Sigma events and trying to recreate a functional bathroom in our house, it was... an interesting weekend.

I'm too much of a perfectionist. I really am. But I need challenges with deadlines to force myself to write. And I figured that post-wedding, I'd be fine. I'd be ready to do things. Rah-rah-rah! Free time to let my brain dump into words. Unfortunately, my brain is not agreeing with me. It wants to sleep.

I need some serious ass-kickage to get me in gear. Or inspiration. Please inspire me?


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