27 September 2006


I have a couple Stitcher Blogging Questions to catch up... and then I'll start working on a general life entry... :)

8/24/06: What do you keep your WIPs and other stitching supplies in when traveling?

On a day to day basis, I keep all threads for my WIPS in those bobbin caddies at home or on the road. All papers are put in a poly envelope that has a drawstring enclosure. If it's small enough, the piece goes in the envelope as well. For traveling to and from work, I generally just put my hoop, bobbin box, and envelope in my backpack. Nothing fancy.

If I'm doing serious traveling (airplane, etcc.) then I usually put everything for the project inside a plastic bag just to keep it more together.

8/30/06: How do you share your finished pieces with others? Do you frame them, scan and/or photograph them, or do you have another method that you would like to share?

I keep digital photographs going on my blog, and there are albums on measi.net and flickr.com (links are on this page). For people I know in person, I generally bounce excitedly and smile as I hold the finish out to them.

9/21/06: How many pieces have you stitched? Out of these, how many have been for you? How many have had specialty stitches or other techniques besides cross stitch?

Only one piece has had specialty stitches so far... I did that back in high school. I've finished about a dozen pieces so far in my life, mostly because cross-stitching was a hobby that wasn't in the forefront. So far, all but one piece has been for myself. The piece that wasn't was a bookmark I stitched for my mom for Mother's Day in elementary school. She still has it, attached to her desk wall at home. :)

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