22 September 2006

Friday's Feast #2

Measured in minutes or hours, how much exercise have you had in the last week?

About an hour-- adding up my brisks walks to work.

If you had to change your blog title to something else, what would it be?

At this point, I'm honestly not sure what the specific title would be... my blog has definitely been in a transition period lately, so I need to see how it evolves over the next few months to answer this. :)

Name one television show you watched when you were 9-12 years old.

The Cosby Show. religiously.

Main Course
If someone gave you $50 to spend with the one condition that it had to be educational, what would you purchase?

I'd use it to purchase entry tickets to the MFA-Boston and the Isabella Stewart Gardner museums (for both Erich and me).

Do you tend to prefer dark colors, neutral shades, or lighter/pastel hues?
I prefer dark colors, with some neutral shades for balance. Except in summer-- and then it's all about light shades. :)

Want to play? The meme can be found at fridaysfeast.blogspot.com.

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