31 August 2006

Thursday Thirteen #1: Things I'm thinking about

Trying a new meme today... :)

Thirteen Things I'm thinking about these days...

1. I'm very happy to have finally figured out what type of wedding I want, where I want it, etc. Now I'm just hoping that everything goes well when my mother comes up to book the place next month.

2. Part of me is honestly regretting going to the Bahamas. I've completely screwed myself up financially and keep overdrafting my bank account. Dammit.

3. Is it Friday afternoon yet?

4. Miracle of miracles, my computer seems to be working correctly. Just in time for a weekend LAN party.

5. I sadly know I'm not committing myself to NaNoWriMo this year. I don't have the heart for it this year.

6. Lane Bryant has some shockingly cool clothes right now. Last Friday I was hanging out in the Cambridgeside Galleria for the afternoon, waiting for Erich to get off work. For the past two years, I've been very frustrated with clothes shopping because the cuts were so unappealing. I was questioning whether I'd crossed that age line with their clothing. But Friday, I swear that if I had the money, I could have walked out of there with half the store. Loved the colors. Loved the cuts. Loved that so much was taking a more sophisticated edge. And of course, this is when I don't have money. Figures.

7. Glad we had a LAN party scheduled for this weekend. It now looks to be a washout as the remaining bands of Ernesto move forward.

8. Also glad I no longer live in Boston-- we've entered the annual two day period of Moving Hell. Glad I now own and don't have to move unless I want to. Which preferably will be many, many years off.

8a. And speaking of annual Moving Hell-- how the hell is it already the eve of September? I was in San Diego at Melinda's wedding only a couple weeks ago, I swear.

9. I'm very worried for Erich's mom due to her health problems this year. And I want to figure out a way for us to visit her as soon as possible, because it's important we get up there. (it's nothing fatal... but the poor woman has been the hospital/rehab hospice for the better part of the year).

10. I've been seeing bright red leaves on trees all over the place already-- autumn is hitting hard and early this year. I'm willing to bet winter will be, too.

11. So far, the color I'm seeing suggests an absolutely eye-dropping season of color. I'm planning on being very picture-happy over the next several weeks.

12. Having watched Project Runway religiously for two seasons now, I'm getting annoyed at how the show is sinking into "just another reality show" production. I'm not a fashionista, but I find the creative process of clothing design fascinating. It's why I started watching. I don't want to watch personal sniping. Show me the clothes, dammit. I can watch the cattiness known as The Real World if I want that kind of mind-numbing bitching that I'm seeing between Jeffrey and the rest of the cast.

13. I have a serious craving for Indian food, which I simply can't afford right now... mmm... vindaloo...

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
Buttercup - Guppyman - PaxilPrincess - Gail - Frances - Denise - Deanna - Anne - Jersey Girl - Wolfbernz

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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