11 August 2006

Crafty gatherings...

To start, a bit of promotion...

via a friend's LiveJournal, I found a link to the Boston Knit-Out & Crochet Too event happening at the Common on Sept. 24th. My friend Ivanna had sent me a link to the NYC one, but I wasn't going to be able to make that one with my expenses these days. This one, however, I'm about 98% sure I can make. Yay! I'm actually really psyched. I plan on taking advantage of the mini-training camps that day to work on my skills and move forward a bit so I can make something a bit more complicated than a scarf. I have knitting and purling down. But that's about it right now.

So yeah, if you want to go, click the link. And if you are going, tell me so we can meet up.

Next... my sorority sister Michelle and I are holding a stitch 'n bitch gathering (not affiliated with the big knitting one) at my house this Sunday. For this round of it, I think it's pretty full up-- I want to get a sense of how comfortable we can fit in the house for crafty stuff. But if you're a regular blog reader (Anne?) and in the general area or are willing to travel to my area, throw me an email at measiwitch(at)gmail.com with your preferred inviting email address and I'll throw you on the general Evite list. Not all of the events will be at my house. I'm sure we'll have some up in the Boston area... and maybe a couple public areas from time to time. :) I'm thinking once every couple months for an afternoon. And this isn't an exclusive type of crafting. Anything goes-- cross-stitch, other embroidery, knitting, crochet, sewing, scrapbooking... heck, I'm trying to wrangle my friends that make chain mail to come in. So yeah, if you're interested, lemme know.

I can't wait for 5 p.m. to get here... weekend! Get here! Now!

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