28 August 2006

Frank & Teresa get married

Has it really been nearly two weeks since I updated? Where has this month gone?!? Lots of catch up on, and I'm going to force myself to break up the entries by topic...

It's continued to be a busy summer- the Year of Weddings continued on Thursday evening at the celebration of our friends Frank and Teresa. Frank and I went to college together and have known each other for about a decade now. I met Teresa about a year into Frank & T's relationship. They're a fantastic match for each other. The wedding and reception were very elegant, yet still had that wonderful relaxed atmosphere about it. T had selected Ocean Cliff in Newport. As soon as we went on to the back patio, everything looked familiar to me for some reason. I know I've been there. But I honestly can't remember why, and I'm certain I didn't STAY there with family. Very weird.

And shocker of shocker to those who know me-- I was actually wearing heels - STRAPPY heels, even - to this thing. AND... I didn't so much as wobble on them.


In any case, it was a lovely wedding- romantic, happy and tear-ey at the same time. I haven't yet updated photos, but I'll be sure to do that and edit this entry later today... :)

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