20 June 2005

Movies, appliances, jet planes, and sleepless nights...

Sums up my weekend. More on that later...

The first official day of the packing vacation has gone slowly, but we've been getting things done. Our change of address forms are taken care of. We picked up smaller boxes for books and kitchen stuff.

Since it was a beautiful day, I took advantage of the weather to get one area of the apartment completely accomplished-- the balcony. I cleaned out the pots that still had twigs and such from last year, and discovered a plethora of catnip that has grown out of the ashes of last year's disaster... in two pots, no less... and neither pot was the one I planted it in originally. (yes, it is catnip. *sigh*). Said pots will be transferred into the ground at the house, once I get some plastic black pots that I can cut the bottoms out of... that way the catnip won't spread quite as badly.

But all of the pots are ready to be transferred to the house. Due to the obnoxiously cold spring, the Christmas lights FINALLY got taken down today (yes... we were those people this year *meep*). They're all packed and ready to go. All that needs to be done out there is a good sweeping, which I'll do later this week once we move the pots to the house.

Erich spent some time packing up our gaming books, since we won't be playing D&D before the move. He also got all of my audio CD's packed and all of the remaining DVD's and X-box games, save Halo 2, which he needs for stress relief.

And now I'm making a last-ditch effort to get any swapping stuff out of here before I call it a day and pack everything else up for the house on Wednesday. I have a lot to do, but I'll do some serious work on it tonight and tomorrow morning before we go out to do errands. Hopefully I can get almost everything done. Personal letters will wait until we're at the house.

I have company to support me in the paper insanity-- Colley has implausably stuffed himself onto a narrow window sill to look out at the cars going by. Gus is curled up on the futon between some swapping boxes, comfortably resting on my Ren Faire garb and giving it a good dose of black cat fur. My boys. Gotta love them.

We have about a dozen boxes packed and taped shut. Some we're going to take down to Providence ourselves tomorrow, since they take up valuable packing space that we desperately need right now. By the weekend, we should have the computer room mostly packed up so it can be used as box storage... hopefully. Erich remarked that it doesn't look like we've done that much yet, but I think once we get the kitchen packed up and I get my penpalling and swapping stuff packed up, it will make a HUGE difference in this place. Come Thursday, it's going to look dramatically different.

And tomorrow is the trip to the paint store, so we can get our bedroom paint priced/ordered/bought (whatever winds up being the case). My parents have both strongly recommended Benjamin Moore... and there's one only a mile and change from the house. Perfect.

So it's coming. Slowly, but it's coming together.


The weekend was insane. Busy as hell. Fun for most of it. But absolutely insane.

Friday night, the Mendon Twin Drive-In had a double feature of Batman Begins followed by Episode III. We invited everyone in our Providence & gaming circle of friends, and wound up having a cozy group of ten go. Front row, Jeep pulled backward with the seats down and pillows in the back... a group of good friends and some beers. We had a great time. Gina was excited when I told her the "dancing hot dog from Grease" was the intermission feature. And she confessed that all the way down, she and the girls in her carload were singing "Stranded at the Drive In." (heh. COuld you imagine if they played Grease at the drive in? Oh my god what a goofy camp fest that would be!)

Anyway... the rest of us were making the appropriate sexual remarks to the hotdog as it flipped for the bun. Gina was shocked, but died laughing... apparently she'd never had the "stick that meat in between the buns" reference that the rest of us sick puppies had developed over the years.

And there were fireflies all evening glittering in front of the screen.


Oh-- and I thought Batman rocked this time. So much better than the previous four. And so much better than Episode III, too.

The drive-in adventure ended at 2 a.m., and rather than head home to Randolph, Erich and I had to spend a very brief night at the house in Providence. Sears had told us that they'd be delivering our fridge and stove between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.

The fun with this was that we have no bed at the house, and all of the rooms save the kitchen and bathroom are an absolute disaster of sawdust right now. But we borrowed an air mattress from Frank, planning to plop it in the center of the kitchen.

No dice-- the kitchen is full of stuff for the flooring guys.

So we found the least sawdust-filled bedroom (Erich's den), and put it up there for our whopping 3 hour nap.

They arrived within minutes of 7:30. Fridge works great--the stove hookup looks loose, so we've called the electricians to come out to check it out (since we just had everything updated... it might have been overlooked).

Erich decided to take a bit more of a nap, but I could not sleep any more on that mattress. So I decided to take my pillow and a blanket and try crashing out in the back of the Jeep (since it's actually comfortable for me, as proven by the drive in). But I discovered something about trying to sleep in a car... it gets very stuffy very quickly if you don't have something cracked open. But I was too tired to think logically about such things at the time, and rather than get the keys to crack the window, I stayed awake.

We got home around 3 p.m, and I slept until almost 9. Erich was shocked... I never sleep like that.

For Father's Day, Erich's dad wanted to go to the Quonset Point air show south of Providence. We met up around 11:30 and headed down, having a bit of a driving adventure since "craptastic" doesn't begin to explain how bad the traffic on I-95 was. The show was fun. We watched the Snowbirds (from Canada) and the Blue Angels (U.S. Navy) perform, as well as an insane guy in a bi-plane who must worry his mother absolutely sick. They had a semi attached to a jet plane engine called the Shockwave (which was crazy... but very cool). I later saw it again that night on Discovery Channel as I went to bed. And as always, lots of military stuff on display. The weather was perfect. We hung out, we had a good time.

And now I should get back to the insanity...

We need a flame thrower.

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