09 June 2005

Moody thoughts

Three thousand emails

I'm doomed. Shoot me. It's going to take me weeks to get thorugh these, I think.


Well, at least I get off work at 12:30-ish tomorrow... I can plan on working through a good portion of it. I'm honestly praying there's a ton of spam so I can just do a big mass delete. Anyway-- I downloaded everything onto my iBook. If my train ride were longer, and if I were able to get a seat in the morning, I might consider getting some of it done then... but until we're in Providence, that won't happen.

But I'll slowly get through it. One way or the other.

And Slywinkle, I saw the PDF you sent for the chapter. Just confirming that I got it. I haven't tried to open it yet, but if there are problems I'll drop you a line.

I seriously need to get some work done on the Journalcon site, too. Eep.


I've discovered this week that I have very few clothes appropriate for summer for work. 85 degree, muggy weather doesn't work well with sweaters. I need to go shopping with money that I don't have right now and get a few things. While we're allowed to wear jeans to work this summer, I'd like to have a few options OTHER than jeans, too. I am sick of always feeling like a slob. But my personal body image issues don't lend to wearing a lot of clothing that I'd probably look good in (but wouldn't feel comfortable in).

Either way, I desperately need to completely overhaul my wardrobe. I really do need to just get rid of a lot of clothes because they're not helping me look good. But I need good clothes to replace them WITH.



In not-so-earthshattering news, May 2006 will NOT be the month that Erich and I get married. Between the office move and getting the house in order, plus a known wedding and JournalCon coming up this autumn, I've freaked out about overload and the brain has shut off. Looking at stuff that needs to be done for the house, I just won't have the time to even look at wedding stuff until very late this summer. So for now, I'm gearing toward sometime in Autumn 2006... not sure yet exactly when.

The idea of eloping has crossed my mind several times, by the way. The only real thing holding that idea at bay is how quickly we'd be smacked by both mothers. The idea of "POOF! You're married!" sounds very good to me. Probably because I've looked through the bridal magazines. I've looked through dresses (and hate nearly everything I've seen that would remotely come in my size). I've tossed ideas to my mom, who has NOT taken to any of them.

I realize planning a wedding is hard work. But I'm getting the impression that it's going to be one big long miserable chore. Maybe that's why I'm not really committed to jump right in there and try to make it work for next spring.



A lot of my frustration (with the wedding and life in general) hopefully will be released with the nearly three weeks off from work. I've had to deal with such nastiness from co-workers now for two weeks that it's impossible to let it roll off. Hopefully the new house will be a good, fresh start, and I can start feeling like myself again.

I know I'll feel better once the house move is done.

And yes, I'm probably hormonal, which is leading to the moody entry.

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