07 June 2005

Getting back to temporary normality

The office move is now done, and save some organizing projects during my work days, it seems to have gone off with really no big glitches. Yay! I won't post my office phone number on my journal, but if you know me and desire to have my new office number, just drop me an email at work (here), and I'll drop a line back to you with all of my contact info. It may take me a bit, because unfamiliar email addresses tend to go into my spam filter, but I'll be sure to check it a bit more often.

Since the office move is now over, I'm going to do some dire catching up on stuff at home for the next few days. I haven't downloaded my email from my comcast account for about three weeks. It's probably terrifying by now. I plan on getting through that hopefully in the next few days.

I have some mail to take care of, too-- and am working on that, but won't be able to send things out until the 15th, as I overpaid bills (which is a good thing, but left me with very little to live... and my recently rediscovered need for a T-pass showed back up yesterday).

So be patient with me-- it's seriously just a bad case of way too much shit to do, and not enough energy to get it all done (it's not a time issue... it's energy... I'm just wiped out). I will get to it... I just need to take stock of some things.

And tonight, if I can find my digital camera cord, I'll tell the story of being "Those Neighbors" in regards to the overgrown yard, and our proliferation of maple trees, including the Maple Wall, which is an impressive sight to behold...

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