24 March 2005

In an ideal world...

My post-work evening would consist of a martini, the finest meats and cheeses throughout the land (elegantly placed on a serving platter), and a cat on my lap. Perhaps later, I'll bring out the nifty new lap stand for my Egyptian Sampler project and sit propped against the pillows in our bedroom, working away dutifully on the heads of Horus and Osiris.

I'm about to have a long weekend, and I want to start off in style, see.

Of course, what will more likely happen is "I'm too tired to cook" and a trip to Wendys, watching Halo 2 on the TV as Erich blows the shit out of trash-talking teenagers, and a cat-- specifically Cat the Eldest-- crawling on me and releasing a sound that's somewhere between a quack and a bleat, and crushing my boobs as he demands attention.

This, of course, after I pick up the Jeep from its brakes-turned-into-the-165,000 mile-checkup appointment. Which is costing me a tad bit of money due to a severe alignment mishap that's wrecked both front tires.


"Blowout imminent" indeed. What the hell do you do when both front tires blow out, anyway? Spare tires are great and all... but they don't divide like amoebas. So yeah-- Jeep will be all patched up again. For its next 15,000 miles until a crisis needs to get averted. At least it's one less worry on my mind for the next few weeks.

Should it be disturbing me that with all of the talk of house money, $700 in car repairs suddenly doesn't seem like that much money at all? $700 literally appears like a drop in the bucket compared to the $20,000 we need to have for the house closing, according to the plan we're doing for the mortgage. Or is it just due to the über amount of repairs last year. What's $700 compared to a $6,800 body repair job, anyway?

I'm burnt from this week. It's just been stressful and weird around the office all week, and I can't pin it down why. Everyone's in a cranky mood. Things seem to keep breaking. Last Friday's tour through the new office space seems to have caused part of it. But a couple projects seem to be causing a few burrs in peoples' collective asses. Being the admin and all, I'm usually oblivious to project-specific burrs, however. I keep my head down and just keep cranking the paperwork.


Erich and I have the house inspection tomorrow morning. Crossing my fingers that all goes well.

Afterwards, we'll be packing up and heading to midcoast Maine for the weekend to see Erich's mom. I hope the weather holds until Sunday night. There's supposed to be another storm on Sunday, but the time it's going to hit is still iffy.

Which reminds me-- I need to make sure I have gloves and a scarf-- I imagine it'll be a bit raw right by the ocean.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Blessed Ostara for those celebrating late. :)

~ Mel.

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