07 March 2005

Do you have thoughts I should be reading?

First-- a huge congrats to Minarae and Petrouchka on their engagement.

There's something in the air this year, isn't there? ;)

I've realized that I don't explore new journals as much as I'd like to, and while I've surfed around BlogClicker and such, I keep winding up on advertising site FOR blog services or templates, and not a lot of journals and blogs.

So... if you're reading/lurking/surfing this and want me to come over, leave a message here with your URL. If Haloscan's being pissy, there's a guestbook in the left corner of the page. I will come read. I will come comment. And I very well might be adding you to my reading list if it strikes my fancy.

If you have a journal that you love to read that you think I should be reading, give me a recommend.

I need some new voices to add to the current reading list to come up with things to think and write about.

So who wants to be a victim? ;)

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