08 November 2004

This just isn't going to work...

How the heck am I supposed to get any NaNo morning writing done when the rocking chair I'm sitting in has a major case of Ass Cat? Observe:

I mean, really... he's flopped over the back of the chair trying to catch his own tail through the rungs here. And purring as best as he can in a jackknife position where all of the weight is probably on his stomach.

Nevermind the fact that he's been doing this since he was about six or eight weeks old, and he's NEVER ONCE CAUGHT IT.

This time he's whapping me with his elusive tail because I happen to be in the way.

I've picked him off and put him down twice. He jumps back up. *sigh*

My cat is very, very strange. And very mentally challenged.

*shakes head*

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