10 November 2004

So here's the deal...

Originally posted at Diary-X when I decided to move my journal... which is why it sounds weird here.

Yes, I'm moving. I WILL be eventually going here: Measi (dot) Net, which I've had for a year and haven't really developed.

There's no reason for me to pay for the HUGE amount of space and friggin 60 GIGS of bandwidth if I don't use it-- and quite honestly, I'd rather be in control of my own space and have a party over there. It was a dream for years to get my own domain and get my own website off of the free servers and into a responsible (aka paying my way) site.

Everyone is welcome to come over and read, respond, have a party... whatever. I'm not doing the "if you want the address, email me" thing. I'm not dropping anyone from my reading list, nor am I doing the bullshit "I'm going to stop journaling online" thing, disappear, and start another journal in a week on another server.

THAT is where I'm going. Y'all know. Come on over. Feel free to link Measi (dot) net now if you wish, because it's active... just not all that active... yet.

And yes, when I actually do the official move, it will be linked here and left here for as long as Stephen provides free space to unused journals.

To get said new blog up and running, though, I need to learn how to set up my own template with either Blogger or Moveable Type. That'll take me a bit. I've started on a new template over there, using Blogger as the attempt (and got it working with a blogger layout, but I want my own). Other than basic HTML, I'm beyond rusty. I need to give myself the time to do this.

I'm currently doing NaNoWriMo, and DO want to focus this month on writing my novel, as god-awful as it's already turning out. Also known as "I have too much I'm doing this month-- so this will go on the next month backburner." So for now, I'm here.

No, I'm not going back to the forums.

Nor am I going to play the "I should be grateful for the service that is provided to me here on D-X" bullshit game that comes up when arguments strike out. I PAY for my service here. It is a business, not a charity organization. The only thing I owe Stephen is the money for the bandwidth and server space that I use here. He works hard on it and is frustrated with it, and therefore I should be kow-towing? Folks, tell me something that isn't a common complaint with 75% of working Americans these days. It's called WORK. It sucks sometimes. And from the business owner to the person at the bottom of the shit pile (read: me as an admin assistant), there's a lot of crap that has to go on with work that's not fun. And no, appreciation is few and far between for the vast majority of people who work their asses off. It's called life.

The only people who get gratitude in my life are my family, my boyfriend, and my very close friends who help me out with true life problems. My journal service is not something that I need to express gratitude for. It completely devalues the depth of emotion that "gratitude" describes.

The good thing is that avoiding the forums will give me time to read other journals. If you respond to entries, I know you're interested. I will answer responses and also pop over to your journal to do some reading if you leave a link. (but not the "I'll add your link if you add mine crap").

So for the time being, I'm writing here. I will be stopping by my 30th birthday on January 11th, which is when my Diary-X subscription runs out. That gives me time to move archives, get comfortable on the new platform, etc. and still write what I want to write.

Because I do want to write, and I do want to discuss... but the DX forums aren't the place. I have better things to do than waste my time having discussions with people who really couldn't give a crap to interact with me outside of the forums anyway and learn who I am outside of the passionate beliefs I hold about anything.

And yes, I know a couple people have emailed me. I will get back to you. I'm not ignoring you, nor anyone who dropped a comment in my last entry (thank you). I'm about 4,000 words behind in NaNo and owe people geniune business-related emails at the moment (read: already paid-for Reiki attunements) that need to come first.

Plus I'm sleep-deprived, having my period, have a sick boyfriend, am flat broke, and overall just really in dire need of a vacation.

So be patient-- you will hear back from me. And I promise it will be a nice letter.

~ Mel.

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