05 November 2004

coffee is of no use to me

Ever since the Red Sox beat the Yankees, I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping at night. I've been unusually "roamy" for lack of a better term. And I'm paying for it during the day. I'm surprised that I don't have keyboard-shaped bruises on my forehead by now.

I've been trying to blow off a lot of it as partially being wrapped up in Red Sox fever, and partially because all of a sudden it's really farking bright in my bedroom in the morning, thanks to the time change. But whatever it is, my body is just protesting in a huge way. Caffeine seems to no longer have any effect on me in the morning. By around two, I'm just dragging.

*sigh* I'm getting old, aren't I? It's that whole stereotype about older folks not sleeping as much. I'm getting that condition about 40 years too early.


I'm letting myself go for one more week before I call the doctor about it. I'm also going to be monitoring and lessening (gradually) any caffeine intake in the evening. It's never been a problem before... but again, maybe age has finally caught up to that habit, and I need to find another evening beverage of choice.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

I got absolutely no writing done last night for NaNo. Thankfully, even though I've had two of these nights so far in the month (yes, I realize it's day 5), the days padding them have been very productive 3,000 word days. So aside from yesterday, I'm right on track. I have the weekend to get caught up... and hopefully ahead.

I didn't plan on not writing last night, but as often happens when I open AIM, I get to talking with someone for hours, and do nothing but chat. It's odd how I can chat for HOURS on AIM, but try to rush off the phone with everyone. I just hate having that damned thing at my ear, I guess. I had a good chat with Ariestar and Myownwench last night covering a lot of different topics, including a fabulous rendition of an AOL community chat room. (have I mentioned how difficult it is to type improperly... on purpose?)

Anyway, I'm going over to their apartment tonight for some sorority alumni festivities. "Milk and cookies" will be served, to coin the phrase from my undergrad band days. Erich was going to come with me tomorrow, but now I'm not so sure-- he's battling a cold, and really should get some rest so he can celebrate Master Chiefmas properly on November 9th.

(Yes, my boyfriend is a geek and is taking vacation days for Halo 2.)

* ~ * ~ * ~ *

Tomorrow I have my first NaNo coffee chat. Somehow my brain mixed up my times-- and what I thought was a noon start is actually a noon ending. It starts at 10 a.m. I'll have to behave myself a bit this evening so I can get up for it. (and actually write tomorrow, since tonight's undoubtedly a wash)

For what it's worth-- I've already decided that I won't ML next year. Any move I'm making to put things together have been met with a "why can't you do something in MY area! Why do I have to go THERE?" (do they realize that I'll be driving all over the lower half of Massachusetts this month during the weekends to meet with THEM?!?) Dealing with the new site and its horrid layout is bad enough, but I just don't have patience for the attitudes this year. Sorry... when I asked for contributions on recommended spots, I didn't HEAR from you. I heard from others, and made recommendations based on those who expressed interest.

These people forget that we're actually NaNo participants ourselves... and that we're writing novels, too, and that we're being ML's because we love and support the project. And no, I'm not getting paid for being an ML, folks... I do this because I enjoy writing and enjoy the challenge.

So if you're in NaNo, please be kind to your ML's.

But yeah-- next year, I shall be doing my writing sans meetup obligations. It's too much of a headache to deal with.

Off to work... gotta get a lot of stupid stuff done, hopefully get an hour of writing in over lunch over at $tarbuck$, and then back to work...

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