18 January 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Writing

So today I'm doing my first full-day shift at the front reception desk at work. It's freaking me out a little bit-- I'm NOT a phone person. I now work at a company that actually has someone answer phones (*gasp* live reception? What an odd concept, eh?).

Hopefully since there's a mega-meeting today, though... it'll be relatively quiet.

In any case, during downtime, I'm hoping to do some writing. Today's T13 focuses on some thoughts about my writing experiences...

Thirteen Things about my love of writing

1) I wrote my first poem at age 8. It was a short, sad little poem about our dog, Katie, when she died. My mom still has it. I've been told over and over that it's surprisingly good for an 8-year-old, but then again... it is my mother (who's strongly biased).

2) My imagination tends to run very wild and erratic. I've been creating stories in my head since kindergarten or so. They usually fly into my head as I lie down to sleep... which means I'm awake for an hour as they run through my brain. During my parents' separation and divorce, my brain wanted to force me to escape from reality a lot-- and I wound up keeping a fictional hand-written diary of the ideas so I could release ideas in order to focus from day to day.

3) I co-authored my first fanfiction in junior high with my friend Andi. I don't remember a lot about it, other than that it was Star Trek: Next Generation, and... being the age that we were... it was schmoopy, cheesy romance stuff between Troi and Riker. I don't think we ever completed it, though. It's still in a notebook... somewhere.

4) My first published piece of writing was for the Billings Gazette when I was 15. I've also co-authored and written pieces for the Boston University Daily Free Press, Wild Web.com (former game reviewing site), and Access Magazine.

5) I was on my high school newspaper for two years. The first year I was a writer. The second year I was the news page editor.

6) I won a Journalism Education Association creative writing award as a senior in high school. A few of my classmates and I attended the annual high school newspaper conference in Los Angeles, and they had off-the-cuff writing competitions. I don't recall anything about what I wrote, but I *do* recall the teacher who served as our school newspaper advisor being shocked (her word) at my win. I was NOT one of her teacher's pets (the exec editors), and therefore was never invited to write a column in the paper.

7) My college degree is in print news journalism with a minor in psychology. I'd planned to be a criminal reporter. Even today, I find criminal documentaries/true crime/etc. fascinating. I want to know what "makes people tick."

8) Along the same vein... when I do fictional writing, I almost always focus on it from a character development angle. I love revealing characters through prose, allowing them to discover themselves as I do.

9) I've particpated in NaNoWriMo four times. I reached 50,000 words two times. Both stories are still unfinished.

10) Since 1995, I've written seven fanfiction pieces. Six are X-Files related, and are archived at the infamous Gossamer archives. The seventh is one that is still in the works, and is Doctor Who related. Three chapters are published on my livejournal and at fanfiction.net. (under my usual screenname... measi)

11) Writing is something I feel I need to do. A sure sign that something's wrong is that I'm not at least scribbling down unfinished thoughts a few times per week. Usually I'm mulling over an approach to dialogue or descriptions in my head a few times per day. (ah, multitasking).

12) I would love to publish a book someday. I have some ideas, but no solid plot for a first novel, however. Chances are it would fall in the realm of Pagan-oriented mystery... much like my first NaNoWriMo attempts were.

13) I prefer writing drafts longhand, then editing them as I type them into Word on my computer.

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