04 January 2007

New year, new craziness

Happy New Year :)

I'm not gone-- just... preoccupied. It's been a very wacky couple of weeks, and while I've been spending a lot of time in front of my computer, I just haven't had an idea about a blogging topic in a few days (well, since a very weird rant last week via the private notify list that seemed to scare the crap out of people because it was the weirded out side of me as this all kicked up last week).

In any case, I'm fine. Being my normal, completely off-the-wall self. In fact, I'd argue that I haven't felt quite like... me... in a while. Very goofy, slightly off-kilter, and my mind is just spinning. Definitely hasn't been a while. I've missed it. It's amusing that for four years, I cranked through November struggling to write my "necessary" 1,667 words per day to stay on that 50,000 word mark for the month. But here, in about a week, I've plowed through about 10,000... longhand. :) Lots and lots of ideas. Enough that I've had to rely on keeping the notebook next to the bed because I've had two three a.m. wake-ups that required me to write everything down.

(it's beside the point that I can barely read my chickenscrawl from 3 a.m., half-asleep, written without my glasses on.)

Ah yes... the writing bug. I was honestly wondering if I'd get it again. It's nice to see that it was just in hibernation for a while. Most of the ideas have been coming in the form of fanfic. Ideally, I'd like to crank out some original character fiction, but I'm so rusty that I refuse to discount any idea spewing from my brain right now... it's all getting written down.

I finally shut myself up and just let myself get lost in the evenings in new geeky addiction. The first series (2005) of Doctor Who arrived on my doorstep the other day, and I've been catching up. I'm expecting the second series sometime after my birthday. And much to Erich's teasing and amusement, I've been on a bit of a David Tennant binge... and slightly annoyed that I can't find my DVD copy of Harry Potter 4...


I'm a dork. I know. But I think this is the positive backswing after being so depressed for so long. I didn't expect it to swing quite this fast however... but I'll take it. Maybe the depth of depression leads to such a sharp swing to try to rebalance everything. *shrug*

Work's been insanely busy this week, but in a fantastic way. Apparently I am turning heads a bit-- because I've been drafted for a HUGE style standards organization project at work, which will be presented to the president of the company within 10 days. So far, I think it's going well- I have most of my first round of drafts done, and should have all of them done tomorrow. It's shocking-- I'm writing, I'm editing, AND doing layout design... all at once. :) My degree? Useful? Sweet!

And how is it already January 4th? This year is already flying...

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