09 November 2006

Thursday Thirteen #9: Pets

Apologies for those who tried to read this when I first attempted to post it at midnight... apparently Blogger or my provider was malfunctioning...

I'm a big animal lover, as my regular readers know. Slightly... cat crazy. Most of my pets have been cats, but I've had dogs, fish, and even a frog. #1-5 are the current felines, in order of family appearance. :)

Thirteen Pets I've had in my lifetime

1) Colley - My eldest (age 7). The only purebred (Norwegian Forest Cat) in the bunch. I'm definitely HIS human, and Erich had better not forget it.

2) Fizzy - She's our little aloof cat. She's now five, very dainty, and not fond of the other cats, aside from Colley. It's now winter for her, so she's perpetually under her lamp on top of the desk for warmth.

3) Gus - When we found him at four weeks, he weighed just over a pound and literally could fit in one hand. Three years later he's 15+ pounds of corded, black panther muscle. He's very active, although he's starting to have those lazy marshmallow cat tendencies...

4) Noby - the dreamsicle colored kitten of the twinset, Noby's our little clown cat. He's extremely loving, not all that bright, but awfully cute. He currently has a serious case of teenager kitten-itis and resists cuddling if he can help it.

5) Elly - the oreo colored kitten of the twinset, she's never weaned properly (even now over a year old), and so she needs to suckle on Erich's shoulder every night. She almost always falls asleep while doing so. It's so pathetically cute. It really is.

6) Katie - Katie was our Lassie lookalike Collie dog when I was very young. She came into the family three years before me and was the sweetest dog you could ever have. She lived to a very old age (in 1980's standards) of 13.

7) Callie - Callie wasn't with us very long. She was a calico shelter cat that my parents got for my brother and me when I was five or six. When the next two cats came along, her territorial issues forced my parents to find a new home for her-- she lived out her days as a barn cat getting fat on mice.

8) Kelim - Kelim was my guardian cat growing up. He was a seal-point Himalayin and very large for his breed (at his top weight, almost 15 pounds). My parents got him when I was in 2nd grade, and he lived until my junior year of college. I still miss him terribly.

9) Kashan - Kashan was my brother's guardian cat. He was a shell cameo Persian (white with coffee-colored stains on his back). He came just a few weeks before Kelim, and the two of them were lifelong brothers. He follwed Scott everywhere. He also lived a fairly long life, dying a couple years before Kelim.

10) Bilbo - The first cat I remember was Bilbo. He was a very talkative Siamese (I realize that's redundant), and loved me. But he hated my brother, who was only two or three when my parents were forced to find a new home for him-- he would attack Scott frequently. :(

11) The fishtank - during high school, I had about 12-15 fish & a frog in a tank in my bedroom. The goldfish somehow lived the longest and was HUGE by the time he died.

12) Bijar - My mom's seal-point himalayin was born the day after the 1989 earthquake in California. She's a bit of a bitch, but it's endearing because she never has weighed more than six pounds. She's still alive and doing well- at the ripe old age of 17. :)

13) Kula - Kuli's Biji's littermate, and is a blue point Himi. She's always been a space cadet and tended to be Mom's cat (and no one else's). Kuli's also alive, but has been suffering from a slowly developing kidney failure. :(

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