13 October 2006

Thursday Thirteen #6: Thank-Yous

Thursday kinda flew by... so I'm a little late on this. (moo.. moo moo). I'll be doing a couple editions of this T13 because I actually have a LOT of these to say. Some are directed to a very specific person. Some apply to more than one person. If you know me and don't know if it does apply to you (now, or in the past), presume it does. :)

Thirteen Thank Yous from Me to Friends

1. You are so passionate about my life, my continuing growth, and my experiences. You may think I'm a bit out there at times, but you are always supportive of me. For this, I thank you.

2. You listen to me as I verbalize and worth through my mental confusions. You do not judge. You give suggestions when asked, or when necessary to do so. For this, I thank you.

3. You make me laugh every time we're together. I miss this laughter when you're not around me, and celebrate it when you're here. For this, I thank you.

4. You accept and love me for who I am, and do not demand me to become some image of who I "should be." For this, I thank you.

5. You taught me that a family is not bound only by blood or marriage. It is also bonded through friendship and shared experiences. For this, I thank you.

6. You showed me how to step outside the box that confined me when I came to college and explore who I really was under the layers of high school-induced gunk. You encouraged me to stop worrying how others thought about me, and to learn to be true to myself. For this, I thank you.

7. You give tremendously warm, encompassing hugs. Sometimes they are the most important thing to brighten my day. For this, I thank you.

8. You take me on crazy little adventures that create the most amusing memories. For this, I thank you.

9. You enjoy that I'm a geek, and that we can be geeky together. For this, I thank you.

10. You nurture my love of creativity and allow me to explore new hobbies without any discouragement. For this, I thank you.

11. You have such an incredibly out-going, friendly personality that it immediately makes me feel happier, even if I've had a horrible day. You are always inclusive. For this, I thank you.

12. You trust me enough to talk about things incredibly intimate and important to you that could not be trusted with any random friend. It surprised me when I first learned that I was on that short list of trust, but I am incredibly flattered. For this, I thank you.

13. You complete my life - an expression I always found hokey until I met you. Words honestly can't express it, and I hope that I communicate the small snippets that I do find along the way. For this, I thank you.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
Tiggerprr - Jenny

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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