20 October 2006

Friday morning musings...

I'll do my Friday Feast entry sometime this afternoon... I only have a few minutes before I need to dial into a tele-course to learn how to generate bar codes. (whee!)

Random thoughts today...

I was asked when I'll post the answers to the lyrics. I'll be doing that on Sunday. :)

It's one of those rainy, dreary transition weather days here in New England. We're supposed to get gale-force winds this afternoon. Which means that we'll have lots of raking to do this weekend. Thankfully Mother Nature was able to put on most of the peak color show before this year's big wind storm showed up.

Menstrual cramps + Indian food = lots of intenstinal ow.

After seeing an advertisement on TV a couple days ago (plus an email from Erich), I had a need to purchase the Sims 2: Pets expansion last night. I'm already highly amused. Some poor Sim is going to be taken over by a pile of animals, I think.

I have sooooo much stitching to do this weekend, it's not funny.

Back a bit later.

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