06 October 2006

Friday Feast #3

It's that time of the year again... but shocker of shockers, I'm not participating actively in NaNoWriMo this year. The bottom line is just free time. I don't have a lot of it, and I just don't feel energized to write this year. I literally have ONE free weekend in November, and I expect that will be taken up by raking leaves. I may sweep myself into the moment and throw some words on the screen next month from time to time, but I just... don't feel like it. My interests have moved in another direction for the time being. I'm enjoying my cross stitch. I enjoy knitting, although I don't do that much of it due to the cross stitch. And I enjoy playing World of Warcraft, which is a huge timesink.

Maybe I'll do NaNoStitchMo. But I'd have to adjust the total- the idea of 50,000 stitches in a month makes my brain hurt. 100 stitches a day, perhaps? It's a good goal.

In any case, the weekend is looming. Along with the TBS event tomorrow night, I just plan on stitching. Lots and lots of stitching. I really need to get to work on the UFO Round Robin piece I received in mid-September.

But to go into the weekend, here is this week's Friday Feast:

Name a song you know by heart.

I know several, actually- I have a knack for remembering song lyrics. So... I'll just pick a couple of the longest ones- American Pie and Bohemian Rhapsody (complete with obligatory head banging)

What will you absolutely not do in front of another person?

Oddly, the first thing that came to mind to me was... pray. Of all the things that could be said here, how did this come to mind first? But it's the truth. I always, ALWAYS pray only when I'm alone.

How often do you use mouthwash and what kind do you like?

I don't use it that often- it tends to be a bit too strong to me. When I do use it, I prefer old-fashioned mint Scope.

Main Course
Finish this sentence: I am embarrassed when...

I jumble my words. (and I do this a lot when I speak)

What was the last food you craved?

I have a perpetual low-craving for Indian food. Give me a nice medium-heat curry, some naan bread and some mint chutney, and I'm a very happy woman.

Happy Friday,

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