01 August 2005

So now it's August... do you know what that means?

I'll quote myself (roughly) from entries earlier this year... Come August, I'll start thinking about the wedding....

So August is here. And I've found and unpacked the bridal magazines and my wedding planner. I have the copy of the wedding book that Minarae sent me. And I'm honestly just scared to death of this whole ordeal for two reasons:

- I have the personality that could fall into Bridezilla mode
- My mom most definitely has the potential to become Mom of Bridezilla. In fact, she's already started.

And to be honest, there's a good portion of me that just wonders if going through all of the steps to plan a wedding is something I want to do. The pressure has been put on me by several family members, particularly from my mom. I'd like to actually enjoy my wedding. But already, it's taking on that stressed-out feeling that my college graduation entailed (which wound up not being a particularly happy day) as the "but this needs to be done, Melissa..." words (and chastizing tone) has crept into my mom's voice. My mom rarely uses my full first name when talking with me. If she is, it's a sign of exasperation. If I let her run this, I'll wind up with a Polish Wedding of Epic Proportions (tm). And while it's fun to attend one of those weddings, I don't want it to be mine. Polish food=good. Bring it on. Length of parties= Oh. Goddess. No.

But I'm going to give it a try, and hopefully can get past all of the stuff I'm seeing in magazines and find something that appeals to me for a wedding. It's just all so frighteningly.... girly. Beh.

If, by some strange miracle, I actually find a dress... I'll be posting the photos to my notify list:


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Maybe all of this dread of wedding planning is just a sign of complete, utter laziness on my part. I don't know. But the whole thing just screams of "what are the Jonses doing??" comparisons, and I'm completely turned off by them.

Hopefully something will inspire me...

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