31 August 2005

I hope I win it...

Foxwoods is having a $350,000 winner to "buy a new house" this weekend. So far, Erich and I each have a couple entries in. I know we have no chance in hell, but it would be oh-so-nice to win that money, take the cash, and do the following:

1) Two new cars, since we're both over 120K miles now.
2) Pay all of the insurance for the year on those two cars
3) Put aside all money for the wedding so my mom has no ability to hang the "but we're paying for it" line over me
4) Go to JournalCon (since now I can't fucking go, due to Jeep repairs in excess of $1,200)
5) Hire someone to come in and get ALL of the wallpaper off the walls, and repaint.
6) Replace the roof while we have cash-in-hand
7) If there's money left over, hire someone to reglaze and reweight all of our windows.

I know my chances are about nil... but I need a pick-me-up after yesterday's call from the Jeep dealership. Mind you-- the $1,200 in repairs is ONLY the stuff that needs to be done for it to pass inspection. I already know of another $500 repair bill that's pending, but at the moment, if it doesn't have to be done to pass inspection and I can drive the car safely without it on the limited basis that the Jeep's driven, that's what's happening. They said it MIGHT be done today. They had to order a part. Whee.

So yeah... to keep my spirits up, I'm using the dream of winning the Foxwoods Lotto on Monday.

Although I will say this-- with gas prices climbing again as they've started to do, suddenly that $200 per month Zone 8 T-pass is looking like a fucking BARGAIN. It cost almost $35 to fill Erich's car last night... about 12.5 gallons worth. That means that if I run the Jeep to the empty light, I'll be spending nearly $70 to fill it. And that's with prices the way they are now. I'm so glad I'm not driving to Needham for work anymore. I would go absolutely insane.

~ Mel.

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