18 July 2005

Summertime goals

Since my springtime goal list was fairly shot due to that unexpected OhMyGodWeBoughtAHouse event, I'm calling it a wash. Here's my goals for the rest of this month...

1) Buy some summer clothes for work.
    I'm late on this, I know, but everything else made me forget about my wardrobe. And now I'm stumped looking at my closet (which is fairly full) because everything I own is either for autumn and winter, or way too casual for work. I can wear jeans, which helps. But I need some nice summer blouses and maybe a flippy skirt or two.

2) Unpack the rest of my office
    It's almost done, but I have a lot of random little stuff to sort and store away.

3) Clean out cabinets and put down fresh contact paper.
    I rushed to put all of the fragile stuff away so it didn't get bumped, but I need to actually organize it now.

4) Write notecards to friends and family regarding move
    Some of my family probably doesn't know we're engaged. How fucked up is that? I have some cards to write..

5) Finish unpacking boxes in living room
    self explanatory.

6) Triple-check all credit cards, bank accounts, subscriptions, etc. to make sure address is correct
    And that I'm up to date on payments on everything.

7) Gardening...
    Plant lilies in front of house. Transplant little yellow flowers growing on our hell strip to somewhere else in the yard. Help Erich with some basic yard maintenance.

8) Clean out email
    Swap reports on yahoogroups, partner lists for ThemeFBs, reply to personal emails.

9) Finish Blogger template

10) Buy new T-pass on June 29th
    It's very odd to have one again. We'll ignore the fact that I've used them for a third of my life. Seeing a Zone 8 on it (as opposed to an S or a C for the city passes) is freaky.

11) Take photos of stitching and reformat stitching web pages
    Implement new template. Re-arrange historical photos for each project.

I think that's enough....

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