12 July 2005

Needing a game plan

I'm really, really sick of my Keds sport shoes (they're those weird half clog/half tennis shoe things). They're really comfy... don't get me wrong. But in my brilliance of packing, they were the only shoes I kept out of boxes. And so I've been wearing the SAME pair of shoes everyday, for every purpose, for about three weeks straight now. This is complicated by the fact that I improperly labeled my shoe box, so right now, I honestly have no clue what still-taped box contains my shoes. I know the pile is in a larger box (I AM a girl, after all... regardless of my personal inability to be fashionable... I still have too many shoes).

But yeah-- I'm getting sick of wearing the same pair for everything. If they don't show up by payday on Friday, I think I'll hit Marshalls across the street from work immediately after my half-day of work, and buy a new pair of shoes.

Just 'cause.


Last night was the first attempt at our monthly Worlds Largest Dungeon excursion. It's in Abington, closer to where we used to live, and runs from around 7 p.m. to 11 or 11:30 (depending on interruptions during the game-- we have a stopwatched 4 hours of gaming time). The game went well. Lots of battling. Some plot development about our environment (if that makes sense). Pretty good treasure haul. We seem have been working through an area of the dungeon that better holds interest. Section A was very empty, and a lot of "oh, look... another empty room." Not so with the area we're in now.

Getting up this morning was a bit rough, but it was due as much to a lack of sleep the night before as it was the lessened hours last night. Erich and I stayed up a bit too early on Sunday night, so we were tired yesterday morning, too. I have a bit of a headache, but I'll manage. We're still partially adjusting to the new commute anyway, so everything compounds a bit.

Tonight WILL be an early bed night. I plan on being under the covers by 11. Preferrably 10:30.

But before I go to bed, I have a few things I want to do... like actually set up my desktop computer in my office (finally!). Erich helped me move the bookshelves and desks into place on Sunday so I can start unloading boxes. I seriously can't wait to have my office together. Hopefully I can have the majority of that accomplished by the end of the weekend.

Tonight, I focus only on the computer. Because I'm already tired and won't want to do much else... but I'm in desperate need of an escape into Sims 2 for a while.

And as a note to myself, for this week...

1) Last post-party cleanup in kitchen
2) Finish backlog of laundry, put away
3) Pay all bills
4) Double-check bill and subscription addresses, update where needed
5) Respond to emails (where needed)

Busy, busy, busy...

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