11 October 2001

Well, another day in the insanity ward.

nah, I'm just kidding. Things aren't that bad. I'm just getting some time to smirk at one of my department art buyers who has been on a power-trip and got caught in her own game. I'm sorry-- but if you're going to start smarting off about how lousy a system works, better make sure you're crossing T's and dotting I's along the way and have things correct. Because if you're not accurate, it doesn't show me that you care enough to make the system more efficient. You make mistakes, don't complain.

Today's incident had to do with tax ID numbers/SS numbers for art illustrators. She doesn't think it's a big deal that the name of the company was on the contract with the individual's SS number. Well, yeah... it does matter. Because it doesn't match. Even if the individual's name is part of the association's name (John Doe and Associates sorta thing), it does matter.

*sigh* Of course, this is the same person who doesn't care that there is a system. As long as there is one, it's wrong. And she has to go against the system.

I hate people like this.

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