12 October 2001

Being female sucks sometimes. Yes, that wonderful "gift" of womanhood has shown up again, which means that I'll be curled up in pain come this evening, feeling sluggish and bloated, and not wanting to do a damn thing.

*sigh* I swear, the older I get, the worse the hormone shift with my period seems to get. And I just don't get the women who "embrace" their menstrual cycles as a beautiful thing. It fucking hurts. It's a miserable few days of being paranoid that blood is going to show up on your clothing, or that you're going to pee your pants accidently because of retained water.

Meanwhile, I see all of the crunchy granola Pagans who have all of these beautiful meditation rituals and self-reflection rituals and such to do during the menstrual flow. All I can think of is how I could possibly sit comfortably, let alone do these things.

Grrrr... Aleve, take me away....

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