25 September 2007

Stitching Rotation #1

While I wait anxiously for friends to start uploading wedding photos (because I have none of my own... ack!), I've started getting my stitching stuff organized and sorted so I can get back to my hobby. I really have been missing it a lot over the last few months.

It's been so long since I did a stitching rotation that I'm just starting over with my numbering. Here's my current plan...

Rotation #1
8 slot rotation. Work 10 hours on each project, then move on.

Two slots in rotation for focus piece. Two slots in rotation for Teresa Wentzler pieces, since I love so many of them. One slot in rotation for backstitching, since I always have a ton to do.

- Push 's sampler forward
- One fresh start (wedding planning reward)
- One small piece finish

Rotation Slots:
1) FOCUS: Apache Wedding Blessing
2) TW #1: Floral Bellpull
3) CAT: Home is Where the Cat Is
4) FOCUS: Apache Wedding Blessing
5) NEW: Astrology Sampler
6) TW #2: Egyptian Sampler
7) BACKSTITCHING: Apache Wedding Blessing
8) SMALL: Spirit Dragon

Hope this works...

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