12 April 2007

Thursday Thirteen #23 - Movies

Tomorrow night, the Mendon Drive-In opens for the season. We won't be going this week (as it's too friggin cold), but both Erich and I are excited about the new season. There are lots of good movies to see under the stars this season. :)

So this week's T13 will be the movies I want to see this year.

I also have a favor to ask the T13'ers out there-- next week, I'd like to do a T13 of random questions... so pose one to me! Can I get 13 questions to make next week's meme a bit more interesting? Anything at all... ask me. :)

Thirteen Movies I want to see in 2007

1. 28 Weeks Later - I'm sure I'll spend half of the movie hiding my head as I did with the original, but I do like getting scared. And I know it's a movie Erich really wants to see, too.

2. Spider-Man 3 - I didn't enjoy Spidy 2 as much as the first one... but I'm a sucker for sequels.

3. Shrek the Third - ditto on comments for Spidey. But really... it's all about Puss 'n Boots. :)

4. Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End - Saw the first trailer for this on Tuesday night with Grindhouse, and I'm a bit worried about it honestly. I think that it was smart to open this earlier in the season, particularly with the behemoth in July.

5. Ratatouille - it's a Pixar film. And so far, I've enjoyed everything they've done. So yeah... bring on the beautiful animated work. :)

6. Transformers - I confess... I didn't like them as a kid. Why? Because I was a girl. Oh, and my brother liked them. Which means I couldn't. But now I can because it's part of my childhood (and my brother's over 2,000 miles away)

7. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - if we want to see this at the drive-in, I imagine we're going on a Tuesday night. Otherwise, we won't be able to get a car spot until late August (if Pirates last year was any indication...)

8. 1408 I love John Cusack. I admit I probably won't be able to stomach this one... but it looks so creepy...

9. Hairspray I really don't know why. I honestly don't. It's probably the idea of John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer (where the HELL has she been?!?) and Christopher Walken in a musical together...

10. The Borune Ultimatum Matt Damon. Yum.

11. Resident Evil: Extinction Won't be seeing this for a couple of weeks post-release... but we'll see it.

12. The Dark is Rising I loved reading this as a child. It's listed for a 2007 release... but I'm not sure that's actually going to happen. It would be a very fast turn-around, considering it's filming right now.

13. eh... I can't think of a 13th... *blush*

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