13 April 2007

Happy Friday

Apache Wedding Blessing
Originally uploaded by measi.
It's so quiet at work today- it's Friday, before a long weekend, and also the day before spring vacation week starts for Massachusetts school kids. A lot of people must be out of the office today.

After yesterday's wind/rain/random precipitation storm, it's also turning out to be a lovely sunny day. I'll look forward to going out at lunchtime for my weekly trip to the fish hut for some good rich clam chowder ("white," thank you... the only type that exists in my world) in a breadbowl. I'll curl up on a park bench with my chowder and Doctor Who novel and enjoy my hour in the sun.

I have hopes to have a productive weekend - I've definitely found that burst of springtime energy that is wonderful to embrace after a winter of sluggishness indoors. Erich is off to help one of our friends move from eastern Connecticut back up to Massachusetts. They're moving closer to family, and only a couple of miles from where Erich and I lived before buying our house. I don't expect to see much of Erich on Saturday or Sunday, although I imagine he's coming home to sleep-- we're roughly an hour between each apartment. He took Monday off so we could take advantage of the Patriots Day holiday in Massachusetts to buzz around Providence and Warwick to clean through some errands while everyone else is at work.

And as always, I do have a ton of stitching to do. That will probably be my later evening wind-down activity. The girls on the Unfinished Object x-stitch board picked me as the person to challenge to complete 10 hours on a particular project. And they pick the project I'm working on - which happens to be Apache Wedding Blessing (the attached picture is where I left off).

Whee! It's Spring!

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