18 April 2007

*pleading* Spring? Hello? Um...

This 60's temperatures in January and 30's temps in April thing has got to go. Seriously. I'm tired of having to crank the heat up every night because it's below freezing.

It's mid-April, Mother Nature... we should have some leaves coming out on trees. And I'd like to see some flowers other than the hardcore weeds that are the plant world's version of cockroaches.


It's positively gloomy outside. It's one of those Stephen King Maine weather days-- that completely grey, foggy day where every object in the distance looms only as a slightly defined shadow. It's been this way since Saturday evening, by the way. *sigh* It's starting to get to me. I'm in serious spring flower and warmth withdrawl. At this point, I actually WANT to deal with my spring allergies, just to proclaim that yes, the weather is in fact beautiful. I'll sniffle and snort around the house all day. May my eyes and nose water - if it's 65 degrees and sunny, I'll take it. (well... for a few hours before I kick in the Sudafed, at least *grin*).

I'm still surprised that the men's winner of the Boston Marathon on Monday managed to defend his title - a course-breaking time last year - by only adding 7 minutes to his time while running in a Nor'Easter. Call me damned impressed.

Despite the weather, it was a productive weekend. I got a lot done in my office - it's not complete, but well on the way to getting there. I simply had to stop due to the dust we were kicking up. We also bought grass seed to fill in our ragged lawn - Erich spread it on Saturday afternoon, but I'm fairly certain that the rain washed it all away and we'll have to do it again. *sigh* I got my taxes mailed off, the last of the Save the Dates mailed off, my final contribution to a stitching Round Robin mailed off, and we bought a new vaccuum cleaner so we can attack the springtime edition of catfur tumbleweeds that plague our house in earnest. I caught up on all of the house laundry. I still have a few of the dreaded pots that need Serious Scrubbing (tm) to finish (I've had them on "long term soak" for way too long now).

I also did six hours of stitching on Apache Wedding Blessing on Monday, thanks to the craptastic weather. I watched the Doctor Who episode which broke the number of episodes Guinness record, AND... I managed to write about 10,000 words in fanfic on Saturday, aided in part by a goodly dose of Tattoo rum and cokes to loosen me up.

All in all, a good three day weekend.

For some reason, I'm a bit tired. But feeling quite good. :)

Plans tonight? Erich's playing Halo 2 online with the guys because two new maps were released last night. I'll be upstairs stitching and being a fangirl celebrating David Tennant's birthday with... something he's been in.

Maybe I'll go the Harry Potter route tonight...


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