17 July 2006

New stitching rotation

I'm trying a new rotation through the end of October to see if this system works for me... I'm realizing I just can't work on an hourly rotation. :(

I'm doing a day-specific rotation with a travel slot for my train commute in and out of Boston (where I'll stitch a smaller piece). In September, I'll be participating in my first round robin, so I want to make sure I provide ample time for that, too.

Apache Wedding Blessing is a gift for a friend (she knows it's coming). Ideally I'd like to have it done by her anniversary in October, but I'm more likely to have it done for Christmas.

Commuting piece: Home Is Where the Cat Is (mini version)

Mondays: TW SAL- Egyptian Sampler
Tuesday: Apache Wedding Blessing
Wednesdays: UFO RR (starting in Sept. Until then, Apache Wedding)
Thursdays: Backstitching (any project that needs it)
Friday: Cat pieces: Cats on a Staircase
Saturday: Open day (usually busy with other things...)
Sunday: UFO RR (start in Sept. Until then, Apache Wedding)

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