22 November 2005

Passing Thoughts for the Week

I have to be amused at the irony regarding my holiday card exchanges-- I get involved with organized holiday card exchanges and am psyched to use up the cards that have been stored since last year. But somehow, I'm always short cards and wind up having to buy more... and have the same amount that end up sitting and being stored until the next year. And the cycle continues...

NaNoWriMo has crashed and burned for the year. I just got to 30,000 last Saturday. I simply don't want to write any more. I'm done. *sigh* Too busy, too tired, too much stuff that I either want or need to get done, and I can't justify sitting and slaving at the computer every night.

My undergrad sorority chapter put on a kickass informational tea on Sunday. Complete with a turkey dinner-- made in an on-campus apartment. For over 20 people. They absolutely rock.

I colored my hair Sunday morning, using a new brand of haircolor, and I really like it. It came out in what I can only describe as a cinnamon-tinged blonde. A little darker than I normally do, but it's really, REALLY shiny.

We'll probably have snow for Thanksgiving. Whee...

Of all the nights to be waiting outside, the X-Box 360 buyers were complete geeks last night-- it was raining. It was cold. It was miserable. But there were people camped outside the CompUSA in Warwick at 8 p.m. last night so they could be the first ones in the door at 9-something this morning. Erich, thankfully, is waiting until Halo 3 comes out to buy one.

I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner in my own house for the first time on Thursday. That's just such a weird thing to type, or to read.

Oh, I'm officially an owner of my house, as of last Wednesday. Erich went to the lawyer and signed the papers to add me to the deed.

I need to find an appropriate vessel to brine my turkey tomorrow night. The only thing I have that's large enough is a keg tub. But that can't fit into the fridge. Erich has suggested putting it out on the mudporch (which isn't heated). But for some reason, that's not sitting right with me.

As of Saturday, Noby weighs 4 pounds, 7 oz. Elly weighs 3 pounds, 15 oz. They're getting big. :)

Out of sheer boredom last week, I put the cats up on Catster last week- Colley, Fizzy, Gus, Noby, Elly.

I totally need this weekend's LAN party. Blowing up the world goodness. Or at least, I'll do a lot of damage to myself and others with a rocket launcher.

Need. Coffee.

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